
For 8 years I have been working on my weight problem. I have worked hard to lose a lot of weight only to gain it back, lose, gain, maintain, lose, gain it ALL back and now losing again. I am determined to finish what I have started, so please join me on my journey of self discovery and PLEASE feel free to jump in and join me!

Starting today - I am beginning my journey anew!

Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!

Starting today - I am going to make my well-being a PRIORITY in my life!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

P90X - Day 4
February 15, 2012

     So I thought doing Plyometrics after lifting weights the previous day was rough. At least yesterday only my upper body was sore to start with, Today every muscle in my upper and lower body is yelling at me. I've downed Aleve, Ibuprofen and Tylenol just to dull the pain and then I am volunteering to do it all over again!!

     It is at this point that I am SO mad at myself for letting my fitness regimen slip, AGAIN! At least I have the knowledge and understanding that once my body is used to the work, the sharp muscle pain goes away and your just left with the dull ache/fatigue of a job well done. Having to go through all the initial pain of "working out" is definitely not my idea of a great time but its my own dang fault for letting my previous efforts go by the wayside and a good reminder of why I need to stay focused and committed.

     Today's workout was Shoulders & Arms... did you hear that.... SHOULDERS & ARMS! Didn't I just do chest & back, which by the way involved using just my sad wimpy arms to move my entire body weight up in the air and back down repeatedly??? Although I thought that today would be very painful, after a long warm-up and stretching and I jumped into the moves and I didn't feel any pain .....THAT, came later! :-)

     All my efforts today were dedicated to my friend "C". For those who read my blog and don't know me personally, she is an AMAZING athlete and even though is WAY OLDER than me (okay just a few months) her body has become her masterpiece. We lovingly call her our own personal Jillian Micheals because as sweet, caring and compassionate as she is, you get her in the gym and the gloves come off! Just for you "C" I completed every rep/set and did the max weight I could do. My poor little forearms and biceps are complaining but at least I know they are still there and didn't fall off like I imagined they would!

~ Laura ~

1 comment:

Loralee and the gang... said...

Don't give up! But DO listen to what your body tells you. You don't want an injury to set you back. Push yourself just a little bit - a LITTLE bit - farther every day, and you will progress! You can do it!