
For 8 years I have been working on my weight problem. I have worked hard to lose a lot of weight only to gain it back, lose, gain, maintain, lose, gain it ALL back and now losing again. I am determined to finish what I have started, so please join me on my journey of self discovery and PLEASE feel free to jump in and join me!

Starting today - I am beginning my journey anew!

Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!

Starting today - I am going to make my well-being a PRIORITY in my life!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Every day is a NEW day!

     As I am updating my extremely neglected blog and looking over all my old posts and looking at my old pictures, it causes me to be reflective. I wish the Laura that started this journey 8 years ago knew then what I know now... Everyday is a NEW day!
     Worrying about mistakes made yesterday, not eating perfectly, not exercising consistently, situations that you have zero control over...NON OF IT MATTERS! All that matters right here and now is this.
     WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TODAY? So, you missed your workout this morning, OK, get a short HIIT session in before you go to bed to keep your system revved up. Oh my gosh, I just cleared out an entire package of Oreo's in 24 hours!... looks like its a great time to go stock up on veggies and do some meal prep.
     I cannot help the Old Laura but I can take all the things I have learned and maybe, just maybe help someone else avoid (even its just a little) of the self-doubt, negative self-talk and self-loathing that comes with being morbidly obese. I promise that the faster that you change the way you see yourself the faster you will see the success you desire in your life. So REMEMBER!

Starting today  - I am beginning my journey anew!

Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!

Starting today - I am going to make my well being a PRIORITY in my life!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 2- Day 1 ...Its Leg Day!

Summer Slim down 2016

 Follow the links to see how to perform the exersizes properly :-)

Sumo Squats

Walking Lunge


Cable Squats

Cable Side Kicks