You may have noticed some BIG changes on my blog. Let me take a minute to explain what is going on around here
I have removed ALL except for one of the previous posts for the last 2 years. During the last 12 months I have REALLY been struggling with even caring about my weight, let alone blogging about my struggles. Bringing home Kya last August on a ventilator has been more challenging than I ever believed it would be. Physically I do fine, but there is hardly anything left inside me emotionally after a long day, and the last thing I feel like doing is pushing myself to be healthy (because it is a constant struggle!).
Every time I logged on to begin typing about an experience or challenge, I would find myself reading old posts and feeling HORRIBLE about all the effort I had gone through in order to be successful in my weight loss, only to have it all gone by the wayside. I can honestly say that it was killing me inside to face my failures. I was so disgusted with myself for giving up after all that hard work.
So today was about clearing out all my regrets. I'm sorry to those of you who have enjoyed seeing the back-log of events, but I needed a clean slate.
Starting today - I am beginning my journey anew!
Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!
Starting today - I am going to make my well being a PRIORITY in my life!
Starting today - I will love the feel of the wind in my hair as I run and I will live for the sweat of brow!
Enjoy the ride,