
For 8 years I have been working on my weight problem. I have worked hard to lose a lot of weight only to gain it back, lose, gain, maintain, lose, gain it ALL back and now losing again. I am determined to finish what I have started, so please join me on my journey of self discovery and PLEASE feel free to jump in and join me!

Starting today - I am beginning my journey anew!

Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!

Starting today - I am going to make my well-being a PRIORITY in my life!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Every day is a NEW day!

     As I am updating my extremely neglected blog and looking over all my old posts and looking at my old pictures, it causes me to be reflective. I wish the Laura that started this journey 8 years ago knew then what I know now... Everyday is a NEW day!
     Worrying about mistakes made yesterday, not eating perfectly, not exercising consistently, situations that you have zero control over...NON OF IT MATTERS! All that matters right here and now is this.
     WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TODAY? So, you missed your workout this morning, OK, get a short HIIT session in before you go to bed to keep your system revved up. Oh my gosh, I just cleared out an entire package of Oreo's in 24 hours!... looks like its a great time to go stock up on veggies and do some meal prep.
     I cannot help the Old Laura but I can take all the things I have learned and maybe, just maybe help someone else avoid (even its just a little) of the self-doubt, negative self-talk and self-loathing that comes with being morbidly obese. I promise that the faster that you change the way you see yourself the faster you will see the success you desire in your life. So REMEMBER!

Starting today  - I am beginning my journey anew!

Starting today - I am not going to let the failures of the past haunt me anymore!

Starting today - I am going to make my well being a PRIORITY in my life!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 2- Day 1 ...Its Leg Day!

Summer Slim down 2016

 Follow the links to see how to perform the exersizes properly :-)

Sumo Squats

Walking Lunge


Cable Squats

Cable Side Kicks

Thursday, March 22, 2012

P90X - Day 32
March 21, 2012

     BACK & BICEPS… this one was a killer! SO much fun though! TONS of new moves, and TONS of curls!
     After having spent the last 36 hours almost, working on a baby quilt for a church activity, it was getting really late by the time the activity was over. I really did not want to do any workout let alone pump iron over my head and do pull-ups! I called my hubby and asked him if he was still wanting to go to the gym and he replied that he did not, I then promptly asked if he would come with me anyways and he says “I thought you didn’t want to go cause it’s so late” at which point I had an epiphany and I said “Honey, your right, I don’t want to go, but that is precisely why I need too. I don’t want to lose my initiative and I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO START THIS ALL OVER AGAIN! At this moment in time I am very proud of myself for powering through my sluggish desire!
     Earlier in the day I had popped in the workout DVD and had pre-viewed the new moves, so I took the record sheet that corresponds with the DVD with me to the gym and my hubby and I did the workout together. We only about did about 2/3rds of the moves but we put in a 45 minute circuit workout in the process, so I am pleased!

     After my stress filled 36 hours , we ended up renting a movie and having an impromptu “date night” just the hubby and I after the gym. Unfortunately I did not say no to every thing I should have, but my calorie count is fine.

1 ½ c honey nut crunch cereal
1 c milk
2 c water
Cheese stick
1 sm brownie
2 c water
½ oz almonds
½ protein bar
2c water
1 c Mexican cornbread casserole
1 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp green salsa
2 c water
1 serv. Reeses pieces
1 serv. Charelston chews mini’s
3 c popcorn
1735 cals

P90X - Day 31
March 20, 2012

     PLYOMETRICS… (A.K.A. jump training) I actually like this workout, although my knees are beginning to bug me some during the 200 or so squats that we do during it, so I still have to modify the moves a little by not getting down as low or jumping as high. Today I promised myself I would “bring it” as Tony would say, so I did try to do more jumps than I have been in the past and I also stuck around for the bonus round (the last 5 minutes of the DVD). I am feeling really good physically, jumping is getting easier, jumping jacks, bending over, squatting, lunges and just overall endurance is increasing. I am very pleased with how my body feels and my hubby is loving my newfound energy! :-)

     I make no excuses for my eating in the later half of my day. I let myself go too long between meals and I was STARVING, so I figured the 2 slices of pizza I stole from my friend "C's" kids (just kidding) would be a better choice than going without and letting my metobolism plumit or worse binge eat when I got home! So I choose the option I had and ate to make my body happy and drank lot more water!
1c Raisin Bran
¾c milk
2 c water
Cheese stick
½ oz smoked almonds
2 c water
Peanut butter & Jelly sandwich on whole wheat
1c milk
Trail mix granola bar
Sour punch straws
2 c water
2 slices med. Pizza
2 cinnastick
Diet dr. pepper
2 c water
1 lg. brownie
Chicken breast
2 c water
2104 cals

P90X - Day 30
March 19, 2012

     Chest, Shoulder, Triceps… WOW! Day one of the new workouts and this workout is definitely a step up from last month’s schedule. I was finally starting to feel comfortable doing push-ups and the new style in this DVD are a whole new breed of AWSOME! I felt like a beginner all over again and the tender muscles I have now can bear testimony to that. :-)


2 slices wheat toast
2 ½ scrambled eggs
1 tbsp freezer jam
6 oz. orange juice
2 c water
V8 juice
2c water
P90x recovery drink
Cheese stick
2 c water
Fall Salad: (split for 2 meals)
Large green salad mix, chicken breast, red onions, dried cherries, cranberries, cheese, croutons and light garlic dijon dressing
Diet dr. pepper
2 c water
Fall Salad: (split for 2 meals)
Large green salad mix, chicken breast, red onions, dried cherries, cranberries, cheese, croutons and light garlic Dijon dressing
2 scoops light mint ice cream
2 gummi worms
1810 cals


Monday, March 19, 2012

P90X - Day 29
March 18, 2012

     I AM SO EXCITED!  I put a lot of effort this week into making sure I drank LOTS of water and put extra energy into my workouts. I would say that this is working in my favor since at my weigh in today I weighed in at 222.0 lbs and have have lost ....4.0 lbs for this week! Today also marks 29 days on the P90X PROGRAM!!!!! Time for my check-in and measurements :-)

             DAY 1         DAY 29
Weight:  236.0           222.0 ..... -14.0 lbs

Waist:      46.5             41.0 ...... -5.5

Hips:        49.0             46.5 ...... -2.5

Bust:        46.5             45.5 ...... -1.25

Ribs:        40.0             39.25 ...... -.75

Rt Thigh:  29.5             28.25 ...... -1.25

Rt Bicep:  14.5              14.0 ...... -.50

 * I'm also down 1 pant size!!!

     I LOVE my "day of rest!" Just about the time Sunday arrives I am feeling every bit like I need a break from my workouts. It's nice to take a break and just enjoy my day. It also really helps me to get recharged for starting over again on Monday :-)
     This week coming up is a little different because my workout schedule is going to completley change. I will have all new DVD's to do and also I'm going to try and make room in my life for the "doubles" schedule, which includes workouts 2 times a day! It's seems like a lot, but I am determined to make as much progress as possible in my 90 days :-)

     Since today is my cheat day I enjoyed some candy while watching TV with my kids. I was good and stayed in my caloric goal range so I feel that it's not really "cheating" just a poor food choice.
     My plan this month is to stick to a stricter diet than I have been so far. I've been so focused on just staying in a lower caloric range and getting my workouts done that I have neglected to plan ahead better so that I can get the proper foods into me. So you should expect my food journals to look a bit different than they have so far and well see how my new eating plan treats me at the scale! :-)

1/2 oz Smoked almonds
2 c water
peanut butter & jelly sandwich
1 oz kettle chips
fat free tapioca pudding
2 c water
diet soda
5 gummy worms
4 starbursts
4 andies mints
1/6 of a large hershey's bar
2 c water
v8 juice
p90x recovery drink
2 c water
protein granola bar
2 c water
v8 juice
2 c water
1620 cals

~ Laura ~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

P90X - Day 28
March 17, 2012

     KENPO X - feels great everytime I do it and I have to say is probably my favorite workout for Cardio. I LOVE lifting weights, so I never seem to have a hard time motivating myself to do those workouts but I struggle with making the time for the cardio. Never a problem on KENPO X day!
     Also if you noticed my # of days on the program has changed slightly and that is because the official P90X program actually starts on the day prior to your workouts. Day 1 is the day to take photo's, starting measurements & weight and the fitness test. I began my count on the following day so that put my counts behind and I made that adjustment today... just an FYI in case you are following me REALLY closely! :-)

     St. Paddy's Day! Now I may not drink but we enjoy our Irish holidays VERY MUCH! Any excuse to have corned beef and cabbage is a good excuse for me...Ha Ha Ha

1 c raisin bran
3/4 c milk
trail mix bar
2 c water
2 McDonalds cheeseburgers
1/3 sm shamrock shake
2 c water
broccoli, snow peas, carrots
1 tbsp veggie dip
2 pinwheels
2 c water
roasted potatoes
corned beef
soda bread
diet soda
1725 cals

~ Laura ~
P90X - Day 27
March 16, 2012

     Core Synergistics was on the line-up for today... BUT after having a busy, busy, busy day with my needy little one who apparently needed to be held ALL day I was feeling like I would never get a moment by myself! After hours of holding him I was finally able to put him down, but ran out of time to get my hour long workout in before we had to leave for a good friends, SO I popped in one of my 30 minute Ab Core / Cardio from the old Power 90 set that I have. Of course 1/2 way through the baby starts crying, but I told him he just had to suck it up so mommy could get her workout done! :-)

     I think I did great considering that we had that party tonight. Food choices were limited but I made sure to have a large glass of V8 juice before we arrived and that helped fill me up.

1 sm apple
v8 juice
ritz crackers
red bell pepper
2 c water
1/2 oz almonds
protein bar
2 c water
v8 juice
1 1/2 oz chips
1/4 c salsa
7 layer bean dip
2 c water
1/8 angel food cake
1/3 c strawberries
1 tbsp chocolate
2c water
greek yogurt
1/3 c granola
2 c water
2125 cals

~ Laura ~
~ Laura ~

Friday, March 16, 2012

P90X - Day 26
March 15, 2012

     YOGA X…. still not sure I like this workout. I feel like a moron in half the moves because I stumble so much, but it does make my heart rate go WAY up and I am sweating like crazy!! I think I would enjoy this better with friends because we could laugh at each other while trying to do the poses properly :-)

     It was a high carb day today, but after 1 ½ hours of YOGA X, I am certain my body needed the extra!

½ c honey nut cheerios
½ c milk
2 c water
P90X recovery mix
2 c water
V8 Juice
½ oz. almonds
3 oz. Fast food –grilled Chicken Breast
½ apple
2 c water
3 slices pepperoni pizza
3 pcs. Crazy bread
Garlic dipping sauce
Diet Dr. Pepper
Fruit & Nut Bar
2 c water
1980 cals


**P.S. You can follow my progress via your mobile phone or iPod using the MyFitnessPal app!
My user name is lauradale77
P90X - Day 25
March 14, 2012


KENPO X today! Yay!
     I really like doing this workout. It’s fast paced and energizing. My heart rate gets up and I sweat like I mean it, but I don’t feel like an idiot doing the moves, like some of the other dvd’s I have to do. KENPO X is always a good day :-)
     This morning I was also able to make it to the gym today, so I did 30 minutes of interval training on the ARC trainer. Lots-o-calories-burned.

Greek yogurt
1/3 c granola
2 c water
Lg orange
2 c water
3 oz chicken breast
5 slices salami
V8 juice
Cheese stick
Protein granola bar
5 Sour balls
1 oz. kettle chips
2 blueberry pancakes w/ butter & syrup
1 ½ Scrambled eggs
Turkey sausage
Chocolate milk
½ oz Smoked almonds
Cheese stick
1970 cals
